
Beware Of The ...Osteoporosis Threatens Indonesia!

Icha Rastika | Glori K. Wadrianto | Sunday, October 24, 2010 | 09: 42 PM

JAKARTA, -Osteoporosis is a big and serious problems for the people of Indonesia. As many as two out of five people exposed to the risk of osteoporosis Indonesia, according to the Ministry of Health data 2006 Puslitbang nutrition.

"This was confirmed by the fact that most women lack Indonesia 50 percent calcium daily," said the Director of Marketting Fonterra Brands Indonesia (Anlene) in a press release, Sunday (24/10/2010).

Whereas according to the data of the World Health Organization (WHO), up to now is estimated at about 32.3 per cent women and 28.8 per cent of men have osteoporosis. The rate of contraction and osteoporosis in Indonesia are tall enough, according to data distributed Anlene, since people rarely consume milk Indonesia.

Indonesia including consumer milk lowest in the world that consume under 10 liters of milk per person per year. It is rated low compared to Malaysia's average population consume 25 liters of milk per year.

By Heru, osteoporosis is not a problem that can be completed in a short time. Public education is needed to prevent bone loss.

Prevention of osteoporosis should be done since the time of peak bone growth and development in the age of 30 years. Since entering the age, bone mass will decrease naturally.

As for the prevention of osteoporosis by Anlene can be done with such high mengkonsusmsi nutrition berkalsium berkalsium milk is high. As well as doing physical activity such as walking or gymnastics osteoporosis.