Dairy Berbakteri Sahabat Jadi Polemic ...
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com — Commissioner of the National Consumer Protection Agency, asking the polemic Sukmaningsih Beautiful samples of powdered milk formulas and baby food Enterobacter sakazakii contaminated immediately terminated. Beautifully said, a solution could be to announce a brand of milk intended or not announce it at all.
"If I were the heck Yes, for what was announced, what the hell would want to look for? But because it was partisan members of Parliament, those ' anyway ', yes brand already had, all have brands. Yes you got it. But, did you just say there are aspects of his health already enggak (problems), "wonderful words in Cikini, Leaves Saturday (7/2/2011).
Therefore, beautifully told, IPB need to open because of the demands of the public. But basically, there is no benefit to consumers if it says this in the interest of consumers.
"After you know the brand, the consumer would not believe? Is his latest research and also research The POM, right already indicates there is not anything else, "he said.
It's just Beautiful, said the UNIVERSITY should reconsider the mechanism and the way in memublikasikan Journal of research aimed at as a base for other research.
"Tomorrow there should be a distinction to announce research research, or for monitoring products on the market. This learning is good for all of us, "he said.