
Dairy Researcher Boasts Berbakteri

JAKARTA, — member of IX DPR Riski Sadiq said, the figure of the researcher of the Faculty of veterinary medicine Dr. drh Sri Estuningsih needs to be appreciated for his related. The research title is "the potential Occurrence of neonatal Bacterial Meningitis due to Infection in neonatal EEG Enterobacter sakazakii isolated from baby food and infant Formula".

Even though it raises the chaotic never stop beginning in 2008, said Sadiq, plus side must also be understood in the community. "There is the positive side of his research, which is a standard examination in the international Codex for infant formula. This is our pride. Should he not always dipojokkan, "she recounts in Cikini, Leaves Saturday (7/2/2011).

However, the PAN politician is supposed to be parties this confirms, that set up FKH IPB journal cautious in traffic information distributing this research through the website, so that it can be accessed easily by people with various backgrounds.

Because it has been deployed, then it should be and the IPB Estu brands announced that milk contaminated by bacteria-bacteria.

"The verdict of the MA that it's inkracht. So that these institutions are not mocked at again, then the problematic product brands convey the object to the public with complete explanations. If my worry, enggak Kemenkes, POM, and IPB to be trusted by the community, "said Sadiq.

Komisoner Consumer Protection Agency Indonesia Indah Sukmaningsih lamented that IPB was memublikasikan the actual research is aimed at advanced research academic as the next site that is accessible to the public.

"Tomorrow-tomorrow there should be a distinction to announce research, to research, or for monitoring products on the market. This learning is good for all of us, "he said.

Beautiful not agree if the milk brands become contaminated samples and Enterobacter sakazakii in Albania was announced to the public because no benefits if purely aimed at the interests of consumers.

"But because it was partisan members of Parliament, those ' anyway ', yes brand already had, all have brands. Yes you got it. But right when saying there are aspects of his health already enggak (problems) again, "said.

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