
Surviving The Affair - Getting Over The Pain

Za one preživjele afera i njihov bračni drug imao morate pronaći dobar sustav za podršku, tako da možete slobodno govoriti o onome što se dogodilo i što se događa u vašem braku upravo sada.Više pričati o tome bolje, jer ne želite zadržati te osjećaje zakopana unutar vas. Ako suprug je spreman govoriti o aferi s vama, a vi ste spremni da NE eksplodirati u ljutnji onda će to biti još bolji. Možda možete razgovarati o tome sa svojim suprugom u savjetnika ured, gdje je sigurno mjesto i za vas.


Did you work on surviving an affair that your husband had? Perhaps you just learned, or perhaps that some time ago, but you're still in so much pain. The treatment of affairs is one of the hardest things you'll ever have to go and it is not an easy road to travel. Many people can not handle the pain and destruction and they end up divorced, thinking that it would cause pain to go away.
