Tomorrow, Kemkes Announce Tainted Milk
JAKARTA, — Ministry of health and the food and drug Supervisory Agency will announce the results of his research to the public as to whether or not there actually in infant formula contaminated ground water Enterobacteri bacteria and other microbes sakazaki, Friday (8/7/2011).
The announcement of the results of research related to contaminated infant formula will be attended by the Minister of health, the head of The GAS, and Rector of the Bogor Institute of Agriculture. This research has been eagerly awaited announcement of many parties, especially the public at large, following the research of IPB.
However, as Health Minister expressed Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih in Jakarta, last Tuesday, the results of this research is not being announced by IPB's research had become widespread attention publicly some time ago. This is done by research Kemkes since April.