
The National Library Of Medicine

National Library of Medicine (NLM) helps you find the answers to all your health questions zaštite.NLM a medical library collection has more than 8 million books, photographs, microfilms, periodicals and other items. This is a resource for health care, biomedicine and the humanities, technology and science, as they relate to biomedicine. NLM MedlinePlus web site offers an invitation to an office NLM to refer you to information to help answer health questions. This web site has extensive information about drugs, an illustrated medical encyclopedia, interactive patient tutorials, and latest health news. NLM is located on the campus of the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, and it is the largest medical library in the world. Here are the rarest of medical papers and the oldest history of medicine collections within this knjižnicu.Knjižnica offers a reading room for the convenience or items can be requested through the interlibrary kredita.Nacionalna Library of Medicine publishes a monthly guide to articles in journals 5000th Guide called the Index Medicus began in 1879.Konačni issue was published in December 2004.Informacije offered on its Web site PubMed call.

In February 2003, NLM launched a virtual customer service representative named Cosmo. Cosmo is a navigation tool that is used to direct users to information about the Web site NLM. Users can obtain help in finding information about the health of consumers, drug facts, medical databases, providing information and on-line catalog pristup.Nacionalni Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) is run by NLM.NCBI houses biological databases accessible via the Internet Entrez search engine .

Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications (LHNCBC) together with the NCBI conducts research and development for NLM. They are investigating the use of computers, communication and audiovisual technology to improve biomedical information. NLM is a valuable resource for public health information needs.

Another interesting institute in the United States Institute of Medicine (IOM). This is one of the United States National Academy of authorized in 1970. It is also a non-profit and non organizacija.Cilj this institute is to give advice on medicine, biomedical questions and zdravlja.Članovi of IOM were selected based on their background as well as professional skills and accomplishments. IOM works in several categories such as mental health, aging, women's health, children's health. It also includes other areas such as medicine, nutrition education, and disease. This institute is mainly working on the committee studies and reports of the above categories.

In addition, there is some medicine college like Baylor College of Medicine is one of the leading centers for biomedical research. This center is located in Houston Texas United States 1000 acre area with 46 member institutions. There are 14 types of doctoral programs offered, such as neuroscience, molecular biology and biochemistry, immunology and cardiovascular sciences. It also includes a graduate program in nurse anesthesia, resident training, and physician assistant programs. So that is one of the famous library of drugs, because there are a lot of research and study of drugs in it.