
Is Garlic Good For My Health?

Iako češnjak je dokazano super-hrana koja ima mnoge prednosti, ne treba uzeti previše. Previše češnjak može izazvati vaš probavni sustav i uzrokovati nelagodu. Vi bi također trebali uzeti češnjak dodataka s oprezom, oni mogu komunicirati i smanjiti učinkovitost pojedinih lijekova, kao što su antikoagulansi. Uvijek posavjetovati sa svojim liječnikom prije nego što počnete uzimati redovitu opskrbu češnjaka.


mythically Garlic is known to ward off vampires, but they may refuse to many health problems as well. But to get the most from the health properties of this wonder food, it is important to know how to prepare it. Garlic is most effective when it is crushed, chopped or eaten raw. If you are cooking garlic with food, you can not add it to your cooking up to the last ten minutes. If you add it at the beginning of your cooking, the garlic will lose their health benefits. Try adding a few cloves in olive oil and pouring over the salad, it's a gentler way to consume garlic. Now that we know how to prepare garlic, let's take a look at how it can improve your health.


high cholesterol and heart disease


cholesterol can be a confusing subject because there are two types: one that is good for you (HDL) and one that is bad for you (LDL). Garlic is thought to prevent LDL from oxidizing and building up in arteries. It was built which can lead to heart disease.


cholesterol can be a confusing subject because there are two types: one that is good for you (HDL) and one that is bad for you (LDL). Garlic is thought to prevent LDL from oxidizing and building up in arteries. It was built which can lead to heart disease.






blood clots


blood clots
