The budget Guarantee Delivery to Rp 500 Billion
JAKARTA, increase in the budget of the Ministry of health in 2012 expected to raise funds for the financing of the guarantee program delivery.
Through a program that has been going on for some time, is expected to help the mother to get the service delivery is good and true. This is to press a postnatal maternal mortality in Indonesia is still relatively high.
The head of the Bureau of planning and budget, the Secretariat-General of the Ministry of health, Tini Suryanti Suhandi, says it's Monday (5/9/2011) in Jakarta, after follow halal event along with Health Minister bihalal Isang Rahayu Sedyaningsih with employees.
Tini said, kementeriannya is certain to get an extra budget, from $ 26 trillion in 2011, to Rp 28 trillion. "Even though getting a percentage increase in the budget, because the BUDGET is also climbed down," he said.
The percentage of the budget for the Ministry of health in 2011 around 2.25 percent. 2012 will be down to 0.01 per cent.
However, the Ministry of Health will take advantage of the increase in the budget and the efficiency of the use of the budget to prioritize programs that touch the community directly. Programs that include Assurance prgram Delivery, guarantee public health, and providing health workers in remote areas.
The budget for expected rise from jampersal Rp 350 billion to Rp 500 billion. According to Tini, it was proposed to the HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES budget.