
Can You Keep Your Spouse's Health Insurance After A Divorce?

g. Rempfer komentirao da je, "pod državnim zakonima, kod IRS Odjeljak 125, i ERISA, poslodavac ne može dopustiti zaposlenik promjene (uključujući i ukidanje pokrivenosti), osim ako postoji COBRA 'kvalifikacija događaja'. COBRA kvalifikacije događaj obuhvaća kraj brak je ulazak razvod dekretom, ili pravna razdvajanja. "Drugim riječima," Mr. Rempfer primijetio kako je "poslodavac ne može ukloniti supružnika od poslodavca-sponzorirane zdravstvenog plana tek nakon razvoda ili pravna razdvajanja je završen." nepoštivanja s tim bi mogao donijeti plan u suprotnosti ERISA i Cobra.


Na temelju državnom zakonu, roditelji moraju osigurati pokrivenost zdravstvenog osiguranja za svoju djecu nakon razvoda. Dakle, gospodin Rempfer navedeno, važno je da Sud je razvod dekret jasno utvrđene, koji snosi odgovornost za nastavak pokrivenost zdravstvene zaštite djece. U savršenom svijetu, dijete će ostati na poslodavca-sponzorirane zdravstvenog plana, a time i ne biti predmet Cobra. U stvarnosti, ako zemljopis ili drugi jedinstveni obiteljskoj dinamici može donijeti ovo nepraktičan. U tom slučaju, postoji svibanj biti drugog izbora nego tražiti Cobra, i one dodatne troškove vezane uz COBRA bi trebalo rješavati u razvod dekretom.


health insurance and divorce


1 Is the husband still covered after the divorce? For how long?

2 Can one party to terminate health insurance coverage during the divorce?

3 What about health insurance coverage for children?

3 What about health insurance coverage for children?


This is a common misconception that the spouse will still be covered under your former spouse's plan after divorce. In fact, the parties must be advised that from the date of the decree, the former spouse is not entitled to coverage.


This is a common misconception that the spouse will still be covered under your former spouse's plan after divorce. In fact, the parties must be advised that from the date of the decree, the former spouse is not entitled to coverage.


Any treatment incurred, although the doctor may treat you will return, charged at full rate, because the health insurance coverage ends on the day of dissolution. If you need any treatment, get it before the divorce is over, because you have coverage after that.


employment lawyer Andrew Rempfer, Esq. was talking about the possibility of continuation coverage after the divorce. G. Rempfer noted that it provides cover for the continuation of a former spouse is critically important to consider when crafting a divorce decree because the employer sponsored health plan may provide COBRA coverage, which usually costs 102% of the total premium costs, and expires after 36 months.


employment lawyer Andrew Rempfer, Esq. was talking about the possibility of continuation coverage after the divorce. G. Rempfer noted that it provides cover for the continuation of a former spouse is critically important to consider when crafting a divorce decree because the employer sponsored health plan may provide COBRA coverage, which usually costs 102% of the total premium costs, and expires after 36 months.


employment lawyer Andrew Rempfer, Esq. was talking about the possibility of continuation coverage after the divorce. G. Rempfer noted that it provides cover for the continuation of a former spouse is critically important to consider when crafting a divorce decree because the employer sponsored health plan may provide COBRA coverage, which usually costs 102% of the total premium costs, and expires after 36 months.
